Social Media

Social media is the digital spot where people interact with a wider group of people they may not be able to see in their daily lives. Social media has been a generational disruptor and a powerful technology for reaching people, engaging and listening to them. It’s a direct conversation with your audience.

Communicate with an Engaged Audience

People like to share, especially about the experiences they have (good and bad) and products they use (good and bad). It’s no wonder that as technology has progressed, people have found ways to use it to connect and become part of new circles. It’s introduced us to new people and connected us to communities we may not have found otherwise. Using these platforms, brands can listen, learn, share and connect with audiences in a truly genuine way. Thanks to social media, your brand can learn a lot more about itself, interact with people in a genuine ways, and even become a persuader.

Social Ads

Extend on-brand messages to engage audiences across a variety of social networks. We can design and launch engaging ads the draw audiences in and get them talking.

Social Calendars

One audience might respond to a message at one time, while another later on. We research topics and trends to know when to engage an audience with the right content.

Social Updates

We’ll keep your social networks moving with engaging content in an authentic brand voice.

Social Monitoring

Follow what people think about you, and how they engage with your social profiles. Stay on top of the conversation and quickly respond when needed.

We can work with your company to handle social from the top down, or augment your staff or PR team. Keyword research is a great way to uncover insights into what people are talking about and thinking. Our insights can uncover what people are thinking and then we can engage them with authentic social content.

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